How to manage my notifications?

There are three types of platform notifications you receive. You can toggle all of them.

A) Group notifications: If you are a member of a group, you'll receive respective notifications for the group activity.

  1. Click on the Skool Profile pic in the upper right corner, and then click on Settings.

  1. On the left navigation panel, click on Notifications.

  1. Toggle the Follow or Referrals notification at the top.

  1. Click the CHANGE button for the respective group to change group notifications.

B) Follow notifications: If you follow members in a community, you'll be notified when they post. You can unfollow them and stop receiving the new post notifications.

  1. Click on the Skool Profile pic in the upper right corner, and then click on Profile.

  1. Click on the Following tab to view who you are following.

  1. Click on the Following button, and then Unfollow them.

C) Watch notifications: If you comment on a post, you automatically start watching it. You receive notifications if other members comment on the thread.

  1. Filter your Community feed by Watching.

  1. Open one of the posts that you are watching and click on the 🔔 button to unfollow the post.

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