How to check the Skool Subscriptions payout status?

  1. Navigate over to your group and click SETTINGS to open up the admin settings modal. Click the Payouts tab.

  1. It should be blank if you're just setting up your group. Once you get some subscriptions, feel free to check this tab again and you'll see your balance update! Payouts are once a week, every week on WEDNESDAYS.

Important: Please be advised that it may take up to 7 days for the funds to become available for the payout following the initial transaction. Time to payout can be anywhere from 8 days to 14 days.

  1. After getting your first subscriber, if you happen to see Next payout will be $0 in 6 days, it simply means your balance hasn’t fully settled yet. Please check back after 7 days to view the most updated balance. This typically occurs when you have recently set up the Subscriptions feature for your group 🙂

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