How to drip the content?

The Drip feature allows you to unlock pages for your members after a certain number of days after they join your community. This allows you to better control the pipeline of content consumption and increase retention.

  1. Click on the Three Dots Menu for any Page. Then click on Drip status: Off option.

  1. Toggle Drip on.

  1. Once enabled, you can set the number of days. Click SAVE.

The page (lesson) will now display the updated Drip status when you click to edit it

When a new member joins your group, they'll see that they have to wait a certain period until the page is unlocked for them (the lesson is dripped for them).

Releasing all content:

  1. Navigate to the Members tab, and click the MEMBERSHIP SETTINGS button for the member you'd like to grant all access to.

  1. Locate the course that has Drip lessons. Click the release all content button. All content will now be released to that member.

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