How to pin a post?

  1. Click on a post that you want to pin. It should open up in a modal.

  1. Click on the Three Dots Menu to see more options.

A) Pin to feed:

Pinning a post to your feed highlights it at the top of your community feed. Note that you can pin a maximum of 3 posts to the feed.

B) Pin to a course page:

Pinning a post to one of the pages will display your post in your classroom while it also stays visible in your community feed.

This feature is perfect for facilitating discussions related to a particular lesson or pinning similar posts to a page, to create a collection.

Note that you can pin a maximum of 12 posts per page, and a post can be pinned to the top of your feed and a page at the same time. When you choose "pin to course page," you'll see a modal where you can search for your destination page.

Start typing the page name in the search bar. As soon as you select a page, you'll be taken there to view the freshly pinned post.

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