How to cancel my Skool group subscription or free trial? (admins only)

If you have created a Skool group, here's how you can cancel it:

  1. Navigate to the Community Settings. Click on ADMIN ⚙️ for the respective group.

2. From the Billing tab, click Manage subscription. If you are in the app, you'll need to scroll the top settings menu horizontally to get to the Billing tab.

3. Proceed to Cancel subscription.

Your free trial/subscription is now canceled. Everything will be saved as it is. Comeback anytime and reactivate your group to resume 🙂

Note: If you can't see the "Billing" tab, please adjust your screen to a smaller size:

  • For Mac: Press Command and "-" Minus Sign
  • For Windows: Press and hold the CTRL key, and then press "-" (Minus sign)
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