How do points and levels work?

The gamification features of Skool make learning and participating more fun and engaging. 

Point earning creates a progression system that encourages users to produce quality content and interact with other members of their community.

Points are earned when others like your posts, comments, and replies. 1 like = 1 point for the post or comment author.

After a member obtains a certain number of points, they level up.

A member's current level can be seen in front of their name or on their profile.

You can also view leaderboards for the group you are currently in to see how your level stacks up against other members. This will give you a preview of which courses unlock at certain levels as well as the custom level names for each group

Admins can use set courses to unlock at certain levels to further drive participation in their communities.

Note that the member levels are at the group level. A member at level 3 will be at that level in that particular group. If they join another group, they will start at level 1, like all new members.

Here are the number of points required to reach a certain level.

Level 1 - 0 points

Level 2 - 5 points

Level 3 - 20 points

Level 4 - 65 points

Level 5 - 155 points

Level 6 - 515 points

Level 7 - 2,015 points

Level 8 - 8,015 points

Level 9 - 33,015 points

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