How to change my group URL?

Remember, you can only change your group URL once, so make sure you're absolutely certain before making any changes.

  1. Click on the SETTINGS button in your community.

  1. Click on the General tab, and then click on CLAIM URL

  1. Type in the URL you're interested in to check if it's available for claiming. If it is, you can simply click on the CLAIM URL button to secure it.

  1. To change the group URL, you'll need to have a paid account. You can upgrade by clicking on the UPGRADE NOW button.

  1. Once you upgrade, you can now continue to change the URL by clicking on CHANGE URL. Your group URL will be upgraded instantly.

Note: If you want to change your URL again in the future, it costs $100 per change. ETA for this feature release is Feb/March 2025.

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